Tetty Kadi Mawar Berduri. Amazing album from Idris Sardi he was 23 years of age when he did this he played the violin and arranged 9 of the 12 songs himself two songs together with Bing Slamet (Es Lilin and Djauh Dimata) and one song together with Mus Mualim (Sue Ora Djamu) an orchestra of some 40 musicians and a choir of 8 singers.

Indonesianidftxt [d4pqv6z17rnp] yang 0998217711968781 dan 127281754304555 di 140586624720146 itu 160605525635212 dengan 192694315549759 ini 204249539860528 untuk 205573034539414 dari 209959237384937 dalam 211677996685297 tidak 211939383059724 akan 24399120190214 pada 262667215573031 juga 267282100848081.
Indonesianidf.txt [d4pqv6z17rnp] idoc.pub
Menonton Mawar Berduri Karaoke Video Gratis Hatkara