Seidel Test. Siedel test Seidel test is used to detect ocular leaks from the globe following injury If there is penetration to the eye aqueous leakage happens However the fluid is clear and hard to identify Therefore noninvasive test “Siedel” is used for better visualization of this leakage.

Continuing Education Activity The Seidel test assesses for the presence of aqueous humor leakage from the anterior Introduction Ophthalmologic visits account for about 3% of emergency department visits annually About 38 to 52% of Anatomy and Physiology The eye is an incredibly complex organ multiple components and intricate mechanisms must Indications The Seidel test is indicated anytime one suspects orbital trauma with concern for an ocular leak.
Seidel Test Article StatPearls
One test that helps evaluate ocular trauma is the Seidel test The Seidel test assesses for the presence of aqueous humor leakage from the anterior chamber This leakage is from a defect in the cornea or sclera from multiple causes including trauma postsurgical leak corneal perforation and corneal degeneration.
Siedel Test – International Emergency Medicine Education Project
The Seidel test assesses for the presence of aqueous humor leakage from the anterior chamber This leakage is from a defect in the cornea or sclera from multiple causes including trauma postsurgical leak corneal perforation and corneal degeneration The test was first described in 1921 by Dr Erich Seidel (18821948) a German ophthalmologist for which the test is named.
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DefinitionPrincipleTechniqueManagementAdditional ResourcesReferencesThe test is used to reveal leaks from the cornea sclera or conjunctiva following injury or surgery Aqueous in the anterior chamber is a clear fluid The tear film covering the ocular surface is also a transparent layer Following ocular injury or surgery if a leak is present then this transparent fluid will leak out of the eye and mix with the also transparent tear film preventing identification of the leak Thus if the dye were injected into aqueous then the site of leak can be identified by the dye leaking out of the wound However this is an invasive procedure so a noninvasive alternative approach is the Seidel test The principle of the Seidel test is to apply a dye to the ocular surface so that any aqueous leak encompassed by the dye will dilute it allowing the leak to become more obvious by the color change Explain the procedure to the patientClean off the slit lamp and position the patientGently apply a topical anesthetic eye dropUsing a cotton tipped applicator carefully dry the area of the suspected leak A full thickness penetration (leaking wound) should be treated as an emergency and requires prompt surgical repair Care must be taken to protect the eyeA sealed corneal laceration is treated by applying a bandage contact lens or pressure patching along with antibiotic dropsAny inadequate wound closure or incision closure needs to be reviewed Cyanoacrylate glue and a bandage contact lens may be applied to close the woundBroadspectrum antibiotics are indicated to decrease any chance of microbial keratitis or endophthalmitis Porter D Whitman J Slit Lamp American Academy of Ophthalmology EyeSmart® Eye health https//wwwaaoorg/eyehealth/treatments/slitlamp2 Accessed March 25 2019 Cain W Sinskey RM Detection of anterior chamber leakage with Seidel's test Arch Ophthalmology 1981 Nov 99(11) 2013.