Prima Indah. Pt prima indah Pt prima indah is an Importer in Indonesia We provide complete trade details of Importers like Product Price Quantity HS code Ports and suppliers Import data is collected through Govt sources port authorities and shipping line companies We provide complete insight about every importer.

Primero Heights (GPS 539296 10041425) is an 18storey condominium in Seberang Jaya Penang It was launched in 2013 and will be developed on freehold land Standard units have three plus one bedrooms and a builtup area of 1380 sqft Listed price starts from RM387000 Facilities at Primero Heights Seberang Jaya Penang.
Hotel Prima Indah Bungur is a hotel in a good neighborhood which is located at Gunung Sahari The hotel is located only 039 km away from Kemayoran Station Not only well positioned but Hotel Prima Indah Bungur is also one of hotels near the following Golden Truly Mall within 027 km and Kemayoran Station within 039 km.
Primero Heights @ Kondominium Prima Indah
A unit that you do not want to miss viewing You would need to see to believe itIf you buy this unit all you need to bring along are your clothes A fully.
Hotel Prima Indah is a 3 stars Hotel in Sibolga (North Sumatera) Indonesia with the address at BRIGJEND KATAMSO STREET NO45 SIBOLGA NORTH SUMATERA having a 61 rating average based on 42 reviews Getting the best hotel rate for Hotel Prima Indah is just a matter of checking the Hotel Rates & Discounts above and making an online reservation *The Best Price.
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Prima Indah Shipper Address Jl Raya Narogong Km 115 Pangkalan I B Rt 001/06 Bantar Gebang Bekasi Indonesia 17130 Consignee Name Kisan USA Consignee Address 50 RAILROAD AV RIDGEFIELD NJ 07660 RIDGEFIELD NJ 07660 US Notify Party Name Kisan USA Notify Party Address 50 RAILROAD AVE RIDGEFIELD PARK NJ 07660 USA Weight 263 Weight Unit KG.