Nonton Film The Great Battle. The Great Battle (2018) R Genre Action Drama HIstory War Tahun 2018 Durasi 135 Menit 41 voting ratarata 72 dari 10 Kerajaan Goguryeo Korea kuno 645 Kaisar Taizong dari Tang yang kejam menginvasi negara dan memimpin pasukannya menuju ibukota meraih kemenangan satu demi satu tetapi dalam perjalanannya adalah benteng Ansi yang dilindungi.
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The Great Battle (2018) 153 votes average 63 out of 10 In 645 AD the Tang Dynasty’s emperor Li starts his invasion into Goguryeo one of the ancient kingdoms of Korea One victory after another the Tang army marches into Ansi protected by General Yang the lord of the fortress Abandoned by his country and outnumbered by thousands the brave general.
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Nonton online The Great Battle 2018 Sub Indonesia The Great Battle 2018 adalah Pada tahun 645 pasukan Tang yang besar dipimpin oleh Kaisar Li Shimin (Park SungWoong) menyerang kerajaan Goguryeo Pasukan Goguryeo dipimpin oleh Yeon Gaesomun (Yu.
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The Great Battle (2018) directed by Kim Kwangsik
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A Korean period war flick that features classic ‘against all odds’ action The Great Battle is filled with likable characters plenty of derringdo noble sacrifices and looks pretty great to boot Roughly following the real life account of the Korean fortress of Ansi that held out against an invading Chinese force (5000 vs 200000 respectively) The Great Battle manages to inspire but.