Luis Garavito. Luis Garavito also known as “ The Beast “ was born in Genova Quindío Colombia and was born on January 25th of 1957 He was the oldest of his seven brothers and all of them reported having a terrible childhood due to the terrifying actions of their alcoholic father Garavito was subject to extensive physical and sexual abuse from a young age this is what he claimed at least Author Tatiana Santana.

For seven years Luis Garavito — known as “The Beast” — abused tortured and murdered anywhere from 150 to 400 boys across Colombia Inside a maximum security geographically isolated Colombian prison there is a man named Luis Garavito He lives separately from the other prisoners for his own protection and only takes food and drinks.
Luis Garavito (Serial Killer Biography) Practical Psychology
Luis Garavito (Luis Alfredo Garavito Cubillos) a Colombian serial killer childmurderer torturekiller and rapist known as La Bestia (The Beast) Garavito targeted boys between the ages of 6 to 16 Confessed to killing 147 children over a fiveyear period in Colombia He is suspected of murdering over 300 victims mostly street children Luis Garavito was sentenced to 1853 years and 9 days Name Luis GaravitoStart Date January 25 1957Nickname La Bestia The Beast.
Killer: Luis Garavito La Bestia, The Beast profiled on
Colombia in The 1990sEarly LifeThe MurdersCaught and ArrestedSentencingIt’s hard to imagine that 300 child murders go unnoticed for so long One explanation requires an understanding of Colombia’s state of unrest at the time that Garavito was at large Throughout most of recent history Colombia was in a state of unrest Conflicts that were entwined with both the Cold War and the War on Drugs put the country in constant conflict with government agencies drug traffickers guerilla groups and other organizations at odds for decades In the height of Garavito’s murder spree Medellin Colombia was named “The Murder Capital of the World” It had the highest murder rate per capita out of anywhere in the world Pablo Escobar was one of the most notable murder victims during this time (Nowadays Medellin is considered more of a “hipster” spot for digital nomads and tourists) At the time most of these murders were linked to the drug trade This even explained the high murder rates of children throughout the city Childrenwere used to transport drugs and Colombia was in a state of unrest even when Garavito was first born in January 25 1957 In fact violence started to pick up rapidly a few months after Garavito’s birth as Gustavo Rojas Pinilla was overthrown Garavito was born to an abusive set of parents His father was known to beat his mother even while pregnant It is rumored that Garavito was sexually abused by both parents and may have sexually abused his younger siblings Garavito may have also been beaten by teachers at school as this was a legal practice at the time He dropped out at the age of 11 In later interviews Garavito said that he both had his first sexual experience at 12 and was also raped and tortured that same year Garavito may also have been the victim of rape again at age 15 At 16 Garavito was arrested for the first time He was accused of molesting a young boy but was released from custody after he claimed that he did not intend to commit any crimes Garavito had already been kicked out of the ho Garavito’s victims were typically young boys with lighter skin and eyes His victims ranged between the ages of 6 and 16 Sometimes Garavito would approach them dressed as a vendor or a priest or another type of authority figure He would seek his victims out in the daylight always wearing a different disguise Luring the child with money food or jobs Garavito would bring the child to the outskirts of town where no one could witness his crimes The child was typically bound sexually assaulted and harmed in other ways Children were bit burned and tortured in other ways Garavito picked up this practice in frequency and intensity At one point experts believe that he was luring and harming a child at least once a month Between the years of 1986 and 1992 he started to become more and more interested in mass murders including Hitler This fascination with murderers may have tipped him over the edge Garavito has also claimed that a “demonic voice” influenced his first mu In 1998 police discovered the mutilated bodies of three children on one hillside in the span of two days All of the children appeared to have been sexually abused in the same way by the same person Upon further investigation the police discovered a note at the crime scene that brought them to the house of Garavito’s girlfriend Garavito’s girlfriend when approached by police turned over one of Garavito’s bags of trophies and documentation The police waited for Garavito to show up at his Bogota residence But they didn’t need to wait long Shortly after pinning Garavito to this massive list of murders Garavito was arrested for an attempted sexual assault The assault had not gone as planned by Garavito and an eyewitness connected Garavito to the incident He was taken into custody on April 22 1999 While he was in custody police used various methods to link him to dozens of children who were found dead and mutilated throughout the country They referenced his journals and When a serial killer in the United States is finally caught and sentenced for their crimes they may serve life in prison or be sentenced to the death penalty Sentences in the United States are normally very long for all crimes regardless of severity Other countries including Colombia don’t exactly allow people to serve multiple life sentences or even one life sentence Although Luis Garavito was sentenced to 1853 years and 9 days in prison for his crimes he won’t actually serve the full sentence This isn’t because he will die before that time is up At the time of his sentencing Colombian law only allowed criminals to serve up to 40 years behind bars Furthermore in both the United States and Colombia criminals may be given a lighter sentence if they cooperate with police Garavito in his confession helped lead police to the bodies of many victims This reduced his sentence even further to 22 years Although he is kept isolated from all other prisoners Garavito was se.
Who Is Luis Garavito?. The Columbian serial killer with 138
Luis Alfredo Garavito Cubillos (born 25 January 1957) also known as La Bestia (“The Beast”) or Tribilín (named after the Disney character “Goofy”) is a Colombian serial killer pederast sadist rapist child molester and necrophile Criminal charge Murder Rape Violent sexual actVictims 193+ (142 convicted)Date apprehended 22 April 1999Born Luis Alfredo Garavito Cubillos 25 January 1957 (age 64) Colombia.
The Vile Crimes Of Luis Garavito The World S Deadliest Serial Killer
Luis Garavito; The World's Deadliest Serial Killer Who Killed
Luis Garavito Colombian serial killer Britannica
Luis Garavito Wikipedia
Of Luis Garavito, The World's Deadliest The Vile Crimes
Luis Garavito in full Luis Alfredo Garavito (born January 25 1957 Génova Colombia) Colombian serial killer who was convicted of murdering 189 boys in the 1990s Many of Garavito’s victims lived in poor neighbourhoods apart from their families who could not afford to support them leading observers to speculate that their disappearances were ignored or overlooked.