Gasing. an affecting overcoming or poisoning with gas or fumes the act of a person or thing that gasses a process by which something is gassed as in fumigation.
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Gasing Infopedia NLB eResources
79 August 2015Sarawak Cultural Village Kuching Sarawak Malaysia.
Gasing Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas
Definitions for Gasing Gasing Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word Gasing Did you actually mean .
What does Gasing mean?
Gasing merupakan permainan tradisional orangorang Melayu sejak dahulu lagi Biasanya dimainkan selepas musim menuai Permainan gasing dipertandingkan antara .
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Gasing “Spinning Top” at 2015 Rainforst How To Play World Music
Sport Gasing, From Children's Game To Professional
Gassing Definition & Meaning
Gasing Urban Dictionary
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Gasing pangkah Wikipedia
Game of Gasing Le Bel Objet in Indonesia: Traditions and History
Gasing pangkah is a competitive Malay game of spinning tops in which two or more players compete to strike each other's top out of a circle or to make it .