Continuous Epidural Infusion. Continuous infusions have been the primary approach to postoperative epidural analgesia Advancement in infusion pumps has allowed for patientcontrolled epidural analgesia (PCEA) employing the same benefits found with IV opioid patientcontrolled analgesia (IV PCA) Continuous infusions although the mainstay are not without management issues.

A continuous epidural infusion is the placement of a temporary catheter into your spine used as a short screening trial for the intrathecal pump (“spinal pain pump”) This allows patients to use a much lower dose of medication to control their pain therefore reducing side effects.
Continuous Infusion an overview ScienceDirect Topics
We evaluated the effect of programmed intermittent epidural bolus versus continuous epidural infusion on the consumption of postoperative rescue opioids pain intensity and consumption of local anesthetic by retrospective analysis of data of patients who underwent major upper abdominal surgery under ultrasoundassisted thoracic epidural analgesia between July 2018.
Programmed intermittent boluses vs continuous epidural
Conclusions Continuous lumbar epidural infusion of 075% levobupivacaine was as effective as continuous lumbar epidural infusion of 0125% levobupivacaine when administered at the same hourly dose of 105 mg in achieving adequate analgesia both at rest and during movement without differences in the incidence of hypotension and motor blockade.
Epidural catheters were testdosed with local management in the pediatric patient can be problem anesthesia alone or in combination with fentanyl and after atic46 and different from adult pain management ward a continuous epidural infusion was maintained on the The epidural technique has been used in the pediatric floor.
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A Comparative Study of Sequential Epidural Bolus Technique
Programmed Intermittent Epidural Boluses (PIEB) for
Bolus versus Continuous Programmed Intermittent Epidural
Epidural Infusion: Continuous or Bolus? : Anesthesia
Continuous Epidural Infusions for Obstetric Analgesia
(PDF) Continuous thoracic epidural infusions for
Epidural administration Wikipedia
Continuous Epidural Infusions for Obstetric Analgesia
Continuous Lumbar Epidural Infusion of Steroid
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Continuous Epidural Infusion
Continuous Epidural Infusion Shared Content
A prospective study was conducted to assess the quality of analgesia provided by a continuous epidural infusion of 025% bupivacaine during labor and delivery Ninetyseven consecutive parturients had a lumbar epidural catheter inserted and 025% bupivacaine was infused by a volumetric infusion pump The mean infusion rate was 25 mg/hr which produced.