Cannot Be Opened Because There Are Problems With The Contents. 23/08/2008 Some word documents do not open on “The Office Open XML file New Text Documentdocx cannot be opened because there are problems with the content 4/04/2013 Microsoft Project For All any Office content such as Word templates or InfoPath this problem of unable to open office documents from.

1/12/2015 Can’t open a file “because there are problems with the contents or the file name” That is a compressed Microsoft Word document MacRumors Forums Fixes or workarounds for recent issues in Word for Windows you may not be able to open or save Word documents the cell content disappears.
The Filename.docx cannot be opened because there are
Show activity on this post I am Using This Function To Write the FileWhen Open My file MS Office Showing PopUP The Office Open XML file Can not be open because there are problems with contents How To Fix zszFilePath = PathCombine (xszAttachmentPath xszInternalFileName) FileStream zfsSourceFile = new FileStream (zszFilePath.
Fix: The File NormalEmail.dotm Cannot Be Opened
the file cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents Archived Forums > get a message that appears saying the file cannot be opened with details saying the name in the end tag of the element must match the element type in the start tag thanks if.
Cannot open word document because there are problems with
I get the following error The file testdocx cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents There are no additional details I opened up the docx file and looked at the embedded XML and I can see that it is using the correct template Any ideas why Word is failing to open the document or something I can do to troubleshoot.
String In Item S Property Bag Truncated To 255 Characters In A Document Library Naim S Blog
the file cannot be opened because there are problems with
You receive an end tag error when you open a DOCX file in
Cannot Be Opened Contents Problems with the Solve Error Word
be Opened Because There are Problems Fixed–The File Cannot
opened because there are problems Normal.dotm cannot be
are problems with document because there Cannot open word
**.docx cannot be opened because there are problems with
“The file ______.docx cannot be opened because there are
The Open XML there are file . cannot be opened because
The File Cannot be Opened because there are Problems …
The Office Open XML file Can not be open because there are
The File Cannot Be Opened Because … There Are Problems
I started a paper this morning and saved it as normal however when I try to reopen it I get the following messegeThe file ______docx cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents” Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?.