Calendar Asp Net Mvc. Go to File > New > Project > ASPNET Web Application (under web) > Enter enter application name > select your project location > and then click on add button > It will brings up a new dialog window for select template > here I will select Empty template > checked MVC checkbox from Add folder and core referances for > and then click on ok button.

IntroductionGetting StartedInitializationLoading DataSaving to The DatabaseImprovementsThis tutorial explains the steps required to integrate a Googlelike interactive event calendar in an ASPNET MVC application We will use dhtmlxScheduler an OpenSource JavaScript calendar that provides an event scheduling interface with draganddrop capabilities and AJAX support Events can be displayed in Day/Week/Month/Year views and edited by the enduser on the client side Going through this article you will learn how to put this AJAXbased event calendar on a web page load events from NET sever side and update them in the database when the user makes changes in the browser First of all we need to create a new ASPNET MVC project We'll call it for example “My Calendar” After that create a database (or use any valid one) where you will save the calendar events In the database create the table “Events” with the following set of fields (all fields are mandatory) While the DB tool is open you can add some test data to the “Events” table In the attached sample package you will find the MyCalendarmdffile which already contains the necessary table and data Then we need to download the dhtmlxScheduler package you can find the download link on the scheduler homepage When the package is downloaded unpack it and copy the contents from the folder 'codebase' to the folder 'Scripts' of your project The result of this step should be similar to this Now everything is ready and all the necessary files are in place so we can proceed to the next step At the first setout we need to create a default view Add a new controller “CalendarController” and create the “Index” view for it Here is the content of the Indexaspxfile The default view loads the js and css files of dhtmlxScheduler and inits a fullscreen scheduler The second and third parameters in the schedulerinitcommand define the default date and mode which will be in the calendar just after initialization Except for the first line the code doesn't have anything NET MVC specific Actually it's fully taken from the standard dhtmlxScheduler sample Now we need to do one more thing update the default route Switch the default route of the app to the newly created controller in Globalasaxcs When everything is done and correct you can run the app and see the following screen If you don't see such a view most probably you haven't copied the scheduler's files to the folder 'Scripts' correctly so check it again The calendar created with dhtmlxScheduler has a The view we have constructed in the previous steps looks fine but it doesn't contain any data so we need to change this At first add 'Model' to your application (just use “Model > Add > Add new item” and select “Data” “Link to SQL Classes”) To complete the process draganddrop the “Events” table to the Model Designer and then add one more action to CalendarControllercs Define the view for that action Dataaspx Note that this template outputs not HTML but XML data For each event it will output a block of XML data The extra bit of the code is used to provide the data in the necessary format If you need to add extra fields to the model just add the extra tags to the view Then we adjust the initialization code of our scheduler in Indexaspx We have just configured the date format (the same as in Dataaspx) and have defined the path to the action 'Data' At this step the running application will look like this Well we are in the middle After the next step the ma After all the manipulations described above we've got the scheduler which loads the events data from the database but that's not enough The next goal is to save changes made on the client side to the server First of all create one more action CalendarControllercs It seems that it's a lot of code but it's quite simple in its logic In the first lines we've got the type of the action from the incoming request Then according to the type we insert delete or update the data in the database And after the DB operation has completed we render a response to the clientside scheduler The file Saveaspxwill look like this The view shown above uses the class CalendarActionResponseModel to transfer the necessary information from the action to the View In CalendarControllercs we add Now we update Indexaspxone more time (add a code that will link updates on the clientside scheduler with the action 'Save') So now all the changes or new events will be saved to the DB In a The code we are using in 'SaveController' can be improved by using automatic bindings In CalendarControllercs To give the calendar a more slick and glossy look or to customize the coloring scheme use the online SkinBuilder for dhtmlxScheduler Select one of the “Glossy” skins to get a more modern look for the calendar When you're done with the customization download the skin package (CSS files and images) and unpack them in the folder 'Scripts' (it will overwrite some old scheduler files) The running app after those updates will produce the final look So we have implemented a webbased calendar that can be used in ASPNET MVC and provides all the necessary functions loading saving deleting and updating calendar events If needed you may define extra fields add/move calendar views and redefine scales and templates configuration (please refer to dhtmlxScheduler documentation) All those modifications can be achieved by adding extra JavaScript commands in the “Index” vi 48/5 (72).
ASP.NET MVC 5 Full Calendar jQuery Plugin
ASPNET MVC Calendar The ASPNET MVC Calendar offers endusers seamless functionality and natural interaction With support for calendar navigation display and selection from a single month through multiple months up to years decades and centuries This control is part of the Telerik ASPNET MVC suite along with 110+ fullfeatured UI components designed to build rich & responsive web apps for any device twice as fast 89/10 (66)Brand Telerik.
Calendar ASP.NET MVC Controls Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC
Create a new MVC5 web application project and name it as “MVC5FullCalandarPlugin” Open “Views\\Shared\\_Layoutcshtml” file and replace the code with the following Create a new “Models\\HomeViewModelscs” file and replace the code with the following using SystemCollectionsGeneric using SystemComponentModelDataAnnotations Now create “Controllers\\HomeControllercs” file and replace the code with the following using MVC5FullCalandarPluginModels using System using SystemCollectionsGeneric.
Displaying Calender Control In ASP.NET MVC Without jQuery And
Step 1 Create an MVC Application Now let us start with a step by step approach from the creation of a simple MVC application as in the following ” Start ” then “A ll Programs” and select “Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 ” ” File ” then ” New ” and click ” Project ” then select “ ASPNET Web Application Template ” then provide the Project a name as you wish and click OK.
Full Calendar Asp Net Mvc 5 Demo Youtube
Event Calendar for an ASP.NET MVC Application CodeProject
Calendar Control In ASP.NET MVC Compilemode
Event/Scheduler calendar in MVC application DotNet
Step 1 Create an MVC application ” Start ” then “All Programs ” and select “Microsoft Visual Studio 2015″ ” File ” then ” New ” and click ” Project ” then select “ ASPNET Web Application Template ” and provide the Project a name as you wish and click on OK Step 2 Add model class.