Bukit Terang Paksi Galvanizing. Gunung Baja Konstruksi adalah perubahan nama dari PT Bukit Terang Paksi Galvanizing (PT Gunung Steel Construction) berdiri sejak tahun 1997 dengan menempati lahan seluas 78 hektar lokasi kantor dan pabrik kami terletak di Kp Tangsi Rt 004/006/II Ds Sukadanau Cikarang Barat Bekasi 17520 Jawa Barat Indonesia Sedangkan dalam melakukan proses pekerjaan Pabrikasi dan Hot Dip Galvanizing.

Berawal dari pembentukan anak perusahaan gsg perusahaan pt gunung raja paksi tbk ( ggrp) dan menunjuk kimin tanoto sebagai dewqn komisaris Gunung baja konstruksi adalah perubahan nama dari pt bukit terang paksi galvanizing (pt gunung steel construction) berdiri sejak tahun 1997 dengan menempati lahan seluas 78 hektar lokasi kantor dan pabrik kami terletak di kp Gabung untuk terhubung.
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About Us – Gunung Baja Konstruksi
PurposeCriticismProductsIntroductionTechnologyPerformanceProjectsInvestigationResultsAdvantagesDurabilityApplicationsPreparationConsumers at the domestic and industrial level are frequently confronted with the need to select steel products that are already galvanised The fact that they are galvanised is used as a major selling point In many cases the standard of the galvanised coating may not be not clearly represented and in some cases misrepresented Claims may be made by the manufacturer that are not able to be substantiated in the field With other products particularly those that are zinc plated descriptions such as galvanised are used on the packaging that deliberately mislead buyers into expectations of durability that will never be realised More and more products are being introduced that are galvanised by highspeed in line galvanizing technology This allows a thin zinc coating to be applied to the steel at low cost These thin zinc coatings are frequently coated with clear polymer topcoats to enhance their storage characteristics and in some cases claims have been made that the addition of these polymer topcoats significantly improves the durability of the coating compared to a conventional galvanised coating The addition of organic coatings to zinc plated parts is also a common technique that the manufacturers claim improves the corrosion resistance of their products What are the facts? Zinc plating involves the electrolytic application of zinc by immersing clean steel parts in a zinc salt solution and applying an electric current This process applies a layer of pure zinc that ranges from a few microns on cheap hardware components to 15 microns or more on good quality fasteners Technical and cost issues prevent the economical plating of components with heavier coatings Inline galvanised coatings are applied during the manufacturing process of the hollow or open section with the cleaned steel section exiting the mill and passing into the galvanizing bath This process applies a coating of zinc to the surface that can be controlled in thickness This coating is usually measured as coating mass in grams per square metre and ranges from a minimum of about 100 g/m2 upwards with an average around 175 g/m2 Accelerated weathering testing of coatings has traditionally been done in salt spray cabinets This testing technique has been largely discredited with respect to metallic coatings as it does not reflect the way metallic coatings weather in atmospheric exposure conditions where the development of stable oxide films gives these coatings there excellent anticorrosion performance The addition of polymer topcoats to metallic coatings will significantly improve their apparent performance in salt spray tests but field performance will not necessarily reflect this The South African Bureau of Standards has recently undertaken accelerated weathering trials of polymer coated inline galvanised coatings and compared them with conventional inline galvanised and hot dip galvanised coatings to evaluate the effect on durability of the addition of these this polymer topcoats A summary of this report follows The samples were subjected to Salt Fog testing Damp SO2 Atmosphere testing and QUV Weatherometer testing as well as Hardness testing The conclusion of the SABS report states the following \\”The results of the accelerated corrosion tests indicate that the expected life of the continuously galvanised and lacquer coated samples will not be essentially different from the commercially continuously galvanised sheet material Test results demonstrate that the expected life exhibited by the standard hotdip galvanised panels (zinc coating thickness approx 100 microns) can be considered to be significantly superior to the continuous galvanised/lacquer samples The lacquer coating appears not to be fully effective in inhibiting the onset of corrosion under damp conditions due to porosity It is well known that the zinc/iron alloy layers of standard hotdip galvanised coatings are hard in nature (in excess of 200HV often harder than the base steel itself) Conventional hotdip galvanised coatings consisting of alloy layers with a soft zinc outer layer therefore provide in essence a buffer stop coating which withstands knocks and abrasion The soft nature of continuous galvanised lacquer coating (75 HV) coupled with the low coating thickness indicates that these coatings will not have the same ability to withstand rough handling compared to conventional hotdip galvanised items\\” Zinc plated coatings are not suitable for exterior exposure applications Zinc plated bolts and hardware fittings such as gate hinges will not provide adequate protection from corrosion and will rarely last more than 12 months in exterior exposures in most urban coastal environments Zinc plating has been used in industrial coating applications from time to time with very poor results Industrial Galvanizers joint venture galvanizing operations in Bakasi Indonesia PT Bukit Terang Paksi Galvanizing (BTG) was commissioned in March 1998 to reprocess a large tonnage (approx 400 tonnes) of cable trays that had been electroplated The zinc electroplated coating had failed prior to delivery to the project resulting in the rejection of the entire consignment The client requested an extraheavy hotdip galvanised coating to replace the zinc plating and BTG was able to apply a 100 micron coating to the 3 mm thick cable tray sections this is around 50% above the required minimum standard for hot dip galvanised coatings applied to steel of this thickness of and over 10 times the thickness of the zinc plating.
Gunung Steel Group Indonesia Content
Bukti Terang Paksi Galvanizi ng sebagai perusahaan yang berbasis jasa pencelupan (Galvanizing) kami melebur menjadi satu dengan Divisi Engineering Service Center (ESC) PT Gunung Raja Paksi / PT Gunung Garuda dalam satu wadah baru yaitu PT Gunung Steel Construction pada tahun 2012 dengan Divisi Engineering Fabrication Construction dan Divisi Galvanizing Di tahun 2017 PT Gunung Steel.
Bukit Terang Paksi Galvanizing
Paksi Galvanizing PT. Bukit Terang 2 visitors
Tentang Kami – Gunung Baja Konstruksi
Galvanized Coatings Zinc Galvanizing vs. Zinc Plating
Bukit Terang Paksi Galvanizing as service company based dyeing services (Galvanizing) we fused together with the Division of Engineering Service Center (ESC) PT Gunung Raja Paksi / PT Gunung Garuda in a new venture that is PT Gunung Steel Construction in 2012 with the Division of Engineering Fabrication Construction and Galvanizing Division In 2017 PT Gunung Steel Construction changed.