Avatar Ps2 Into The Inferno. Avatar The Last Airbender Into the Inferno PS2 GameplayRelease Date October 13 2008Platforms Nintendo DS PlayStation 2 Wii Xbox 360_____ Video Duration 30 minViews 661KAuthor xTimelessGaming.

PlotGameplayGame OverviewFeaturesPlayable CharactersBossesRelease DatesSecret CodesCritical ReceptionGoofsAvatar Aang awakens on a captured Fire Nation ship with his friends recovered from the ordeal in Ba Sing Se They hear the horn of an approaching ship and make their way to the back where they fight off firebending soldiers Aang finds out about the plan to invade the Fire Nation during a solar eclipse which will render the firebenders powerless They realize they are in need of supplies so they venture into a Fire Nation town disguised as civilians Afterward they discover a Fire Nation Army factory is polluting and hurting the people of a village called Jang Hui Aang and Katara use waterbending to destroy the factory and save the village In doing this however they catch the attention of General Mung whom they must defeat During the invasion Sokka and Toph secure a tower so Aang and Toph can defeat Fire Lord Ozai It turns out that Princess Azula tricked them into fighting the Dai Li instead Prince Zuko joins the Avatar's group when the invasion plan fails and helps the Gameplay styles vary widely between the PlayStation 2 Wii and Nintendo DS versions In the Nintendo DS version the characters have very large heads giving the game a cartoonish feel similar in design to the Super Deformed Shorts Katara is able to make ice bridges and ice blocks albeit only when the player is fighting Azula as well as bloodbend Sokka's boomerangis used to stun enemies reach objects or solve puzzles following a path drawn by the player Toph can move earth blocks and metal blocks or raise columns and Aang can make minitornadoes and can also move earth blocks One can also play as Zuko who can make a line of fire The Wii version has a new style of gameplay different from previous Avatar games Aang can airbendan “air ball” to break down obstacles and blow away objects by shaking the Wii Remote Toph can slide earth out of rock walls to reach the top by sliding the Wii Remote backward Katara can guide water by standing on a puddle of water pressing the “A The Awakening Aang wakes on a Fire Navy ship Katara greets him and states how she was glad he was okay They find that the ship has been damaged by another attacking Fire Navy vessel and use their prowess in bending to navigate the ship to the deck Aang and Katara repel several Fire Nation boarding parties Once they make it to the main deck Aang uses his earthbending to prime several catapults with boulders destroying the opposing Fire Nation ship The Arms Factory Aang Katara Sokka and Toph arrive at a Fire Nation fishing village The majority of the village is contaminated with disease and sickness due to a large Fire Nation arms factory built nearby polluting the river with waste Aang and Katara infiltrate the factory and navigate it They eventually disable the factory and escape As a result the waste from the factory is stopped and the village water source is purified Pier Fight In the morning a delegation of Fire Nation soldiers attacks the village as punishment for the destruction of their factory Aang and Katara defend the village from the soldiers and eventually face General Mung leader of the soldiers They achieve victory and Mung ends up floating in the river Levels and Boss Fights Players can experience both regular levels and levels devoted to fighting bossesSpecial Combat Moves – The player can perform massive martial arts moves with their favorite characters from the series With exciting new Wii functionality master all four elements (water earthAll new flying levels – The player can fly on gliders and explore the never seen parts of the Avatar Worldlike never before Levels are based on some of the actual episodes from Book Three General Mung Pier Fight (Fought with Aang and Katara)Azula's Dai Li agents Fire Lord in Hiding (Fought with Aang and Toph) United States 1 PS2 October 13 2008 (released) 2 DS November 10 2008 (released) 3 Wii October 13 2008 (released) United Kingdom 1 DS November 7 2008 (released) 2 PS2 October 31 2008 (released) 3 Wii October 31 2008 (released) Australia 1 PS2 November 2 2008 (released) 2 DS November 6 2008 (released) 3 Wii October 30 2008 (released) New Zealand 1 DS November 7 2008 (released) 2 PS2 October 31 2008 (released) 3 Wii October 31 2008 (released) Japan December 4 2008(confirmed) Max coins 66639224All concept art 27858343All chapters 52993833All new characters 76345467 The game received mixed reviews from critics with much of the praise going to the animation and strong controls IGN stated in their review it was a “fun game” that “wasn't bad” but added it was mainly best suited for fans of the show In Rise of the Phoenix when Zuko and Katara face Azula Katara is wearing the outfit she wore during the invasion However in the cutscene when Zuko jumps in front of Azula's lightning to save KIn the DS version of the level “The Runaway” the player is playing with Katara and Toph however the 'switch icon' shows them playing with Aang and Toph.
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Avatar: The Last PlayStation 2 AirbenderInto the Inferno
Avatar Into the Inferno FULL GAME Walkthrough Longplay No CommentaryIf you would rather watch it in shorter parts click here https//wwwyoutubecom/watc Video Duration 113 minViews 475KAuthor ★WishingTikal★.