Al Imam Al Bukhari. Sahih alBukhari includes more than 7000 Hadith Sahih which he had chosen among 600 000 Hadith AlBukhari’s end life AlBukhari was modest and brave even with the ruler of his country The prince of Bukhara sent a messenger to alBukhari asking him to come to his palace and teach him or his children from his book.
Tomb Of Imam Al Bukhari Madain Project En from Madain Project (en)
Imam Bukhari is a famous Hadith expert together with Imam Ahmad Imam Muslim Abu Dawud Tirmidhi AnNasai and Ibn Majah It has been unanimously agreed that Imam Bukhari’s work is the most authentic of all the other works in Hadith literature put together.
Muhammad alBukhari Wikipedia
AlImam AlBukhari was born on Friday 13th of Syawwal 194 H in the land of Bukhara in the middle of a family who loves the science of sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad peace and prayer of Allaah be upon him because his father Ismail bin Ibrahim bin AlMughirah was a scholar of hadith who narrated the hadith of the Prophet from Imam Malik Ibn Anas Hammad Ibn Zaid and once also learned from Abdullah Ibn Mubarak.
Biography of Imam Bukhari IslamicFinder
Imam al Bukhari is the everwellknown Islamic scholar traveller and Philomath whose collection of true ahadith ( words and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad saw accepted as major source of religious law and moral guidance) called “Sahih ulBukhari” is the second important book for Muslims after Quran.
AlImam alBukhari Islamic Religion
Imam alBukhari was born in the ancient city of Bukhara a famous city from the earliest times currently located in the territory of Uzbekistan Central Asia.
Tomb Of Imam Al Bukhari Madain Project En
AlBukhari (194256 H) Biography of Imam – Your Guide to get
Imam al Bukhari
Muhammad ibn Ismail of alBukhari: The Imam Imam Bukhari
About Imam Al Bukhari Islamic Art Imam Al Bukhari
Muḥammad ibn Ismā‘īl alBukhārī commonly referred to as Imam alBukhari or Imam Bukhari was a Persian Islamic scholar who was born in Bukhara He compiled the hadith collection known as Sahih alBukhari regarded by Sunni Muslims as the most authentic hadith collections He also wrote other books such as AlAdab alMufrad Era ()Religion Occupation Resting place Khartank ( ).